Eyesight Remedies

Thursday 8 January 2015

How To Improve Eyesight With Home Remedies Available?

The ayuredic system of medicine states that there are different methods people can follow if they are looking for how to improve eyesight. If the right care is not provided to this part of the body, it may result in different conditions like cataracts and muscular degeneration, which are stated as important reasons behind blindness in different parts of the world. Ayurveda calls defective eyesight as 'drishti dosha'. It is also said that alochaka pitta is responsible for maintaining the eyesight and this will become weak as the age pass by. When an individual takes proper care of the eyes, they can prevent these problems from occurring at early stages.

Eye Vision Supplements
What are the causes of defective eyesight?

1. Prolonged constipation and nervous debility

2. Common cold

3. Stress

4. Diabetes

5. Smoking

6. Alcohol consumption

7. Consumption of too much caffeinated drinks.

Home remedies available for improving eyesight as per ayurveda: This system of medicine, suggest the following home remedies to improve weak eyesight:

1. Consuming blueberry juice on a regular basis can help.

2. Some cardamom seeds can be mixed with a spoon of honey for regular consumption and this is one of the home remedies to improve eyesight.

3. Almond is known to be effective in improving eye vision as it can strengthen the muscles around the eyes and can calm down mental stress. One or two almonds a day with warm milk or sweat orange juice can help.

4. It is better to include foods with good source of vitamin A in diet like carrot, milk, soya beans, tomatoes, butter, etc.

5. Adding spinach to the diet can be helpful for people looking for how to improve eyesight.

6. Cucumber juice is known to be highly effective for improving eye vision.

7. Consumption of good amount of apples and grapes can be do wonders for improving vision.

Herbs for improving eyesight: Not only the above-mentioned herb, ayurveda states some herbs to be effective for improving eyesight and they are licorice, shatavari, honey, ghee, amla, pepper, triphala and haritaki.

All these herbs are present in I-Lite capsules, weak eyesight supplements in addition to many other ingredients and so these capsules can be stated as the best home remedies to improve eyesight.

What is special about Triphala? 

As mentioned earlier, Triphala is present as an important ingredient in I-Lite capsules. Triphala is actually a combination of three different herbs namely Amalaki or Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Bellirica or Vibhataki and Terminalia Chubula or haritaki. This combination is stated as the best ayurvedic remedy for looking for how to improve eyesight. Triphala can bring the following benefits to the vision:

1. It can strengthen the eye muscles.

2. It can improve eye vision.

3. It can be helpful in curing a wide range of problems like conjunctivitis, progressive myopia, glaucoma and cataract.

4. When eyes are washed with triphala syrup, the redness will reduce.

5. It can be effective in treating impaired vision as well.

All these benefits can be achieved in the form of a capsule, when people use I-Lite capsule, which will naturally bring about an improvement in their vision.

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